Is Salt Water Pools Bad For New Tattoos

Is Salt Water Pools Bad for New Tattoos?

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Sed lectus mi, aliquam eget pharetra ac, bibendum quis nisl. Nulla nec nunc in nisi imperdiet malesuada. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque tempor gravida placerat. Morbi lacinia egestas lobortis. Donec vestibulum ultrices mi, eu ullamcorper tellus tincidunt eu. Etiam faucibus id orci eu tempus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Cras volutpat tempor leo quis finibus. Integer sed felis blandit, dapibus erat eget, posuere lectus.

Benefits of Salt Water Pools for Tattoo Care

When it comes to taking care of a new tattoo, many people wonder whether salt water pools are a good or bad choice. However, salt water pools can actually have several benefits for tattoo care:

  1. Antibacterial Properties: Salt is known for its antibacterial properties, which can help prevent infections in new tattoos. Unlike regular chlorinated pools, salt water can provide additional protection against bacteria.
  2. Natural Healing: Swimming in salt water can promote natural healing for new tattoos. The salt water can help remove dead skin cells, allowing the tattoo to breathe and heal more efficiently.
  3. Reduced Itching and Irritation: Salt water has a soothing effect and can reduce itching and irritation that sometimes accompanies the healing process. This can make the experience more comfortable for individuals with new tattoos.
  4. Less Fading: The minerals present in salt water can potentially help preserve the vibrancy of tattoos over time. Although sun exposure can still cause fading, salt water may have a protective effect.

Precautions to Take in Salt Water Pools

While salt water pools can be beneficial for new tattoo care, it is important to take certain precautions to ensure proper healing and minimize any potential risks:

  1. Wait for Proper Healing: It is essential to wait for the tattoo to properly heal before exposing it to any water, including salt water. Consult with your tattoo artist for specific guidelines on when it is safe to swim.
  2. Avoid Submerging Completely: Try to avoid completely submerging the tattoo in salt water, especially during the initial healing stages. Extended exposure to water can soften the scabs and increase the risk of infection or color fading.
  3. Keep the Tattoo Clean: Before and after swimming in a salt water pool, make sure to clean the tattoo gently with a mild soap and warm water. This helps remove any bacteria or salt residue that may have accumulated.
  4. Apply Sunscreen: Even when swimming in a salt water pool, it is important to apply sunscreen to protect the tattoo from the sun’s harmful rays. Sun exposure can cause fading and damage to the tattooed skin.

Alternative Ways to Protect Tattoos

If salt water pools are not accessible or you prefer to avoid them during tattoo healing, there are alternative ways to protect your tattoos:

  1. Non-Chlorinated Pools: Consider swimming in non-chlorinated pools, such as those treated with a natural alternative like bromine. These pools can be gentler on tattoos while still providing the benefits of water therapy.
  2. Swimming in Freshwater: If salt water pools are not an option, swimming in freshwater can be an alternative. However, it is important to keep in mind that freshwater may carry a higher risk of bacteria compared to salt water.
  3. Limit Sun Exposure: While salt water pools may provide some protection against fading, it is crucial to limit sun exposure and apply sunscreen regularly. Sunscreen with a high SPF is recommended to protect the tattoo from UV damage.
  4. Avoid Hot Tubs and Jacuzzis: Hot tubs and jacuzzis are generally not recommended for new tattoos as they can expose the skin to excessive heat and bacteria, which may interfere with the healing process.


In conclusion, salt water pools can offer several benefits for new tattoo care, including their antibacterial properties, natural healing effects, and potential protection against color fading. However, it is important to take precautions and wait for proper healing before exposing a new tattoo to any water. If salt water pools are not an option, consider alternative ways to protect tattoos, such as non-chlorinated pools or limiting sun exposure. Always consult with your tattoo artist for personalized advice on caring for your new tattoo.

Charles Brown

Charles C. Brown is a journalist, writer, and tattoo enthusiast. He has over 10 years of experience in the tattoo industry, working as a tattoo artist and body piercer. He has written extensively on the history and culture of tattoos, exploring the many different meanings, symbolism and designs associated with tattooing.

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